Children’s Day: Reimagined was a public event produced by LEEDS 2023 which took place on 14 July 2023 at Roundhay Park.
The event was co-created by 11 Young Creatives who participated in regular sessions with the LEEDS 2023 team and creative
leads Fevered Sleep to develop an imaginative event designed by and for the children of Leeds.
The event had 2 parts to it, a daytime event for school children from across the city and an evening event open to the public.
Unfortunately on the day itself Leeds experienced heavy rainfall which impacted the engagement of this outdoor event which has
been reflected in the discrepancies between tickets sold and public audience.
Total events
Total activities held as part of this Signature event.
Total audience
Total number of attendances online and in person.
Public events
Total number of public facing events.
Public audience
Total count of attendees at public facing events.
School engagements
Total count of engagements with schools.
Pupil engagements
Total count of school pupils engaged.
Community engagements
Total number of community engagement events.
Community audience
Total number of community engagement events.
Tickets sold
Total number of tickets sold.
Known Limitations and Issues
Events and activities data are extracted from Airtable.