-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- My World, My City, My Neighbourhood - LEEDS 2023 These datasets contain aggregated analysis of artist and participant feedback. The column headings in the two datasets were shortened for easier processing. The new column headings are mapped to the original survey questions and metrics below. mwmcmn_lcf.csv --> Artist_ID = Artist (anonymised) YP_Benefitted_Total = 'How many young people directly benefited from the activity? Please count unique, individual people and not attendances or footfall.'  YP_Benefitted_0_4 = 'How many early years children aged 0-4 directly benefited from the activity?' YP_Benefitted_5_12 = 'How many children aged 5-12 directly benefited from the activity?' YP_Benefitted_13_18 = 'How many young people aged 13-18 directly benefited from the activity?' YP_Benefitted_19_25 = 'How many young adults aged 19-25 directly benefited from the activity?' YP_Benefitted_Unknown = 'How many children and young people whose age wasn't asked or wasn't known directly benefited from the activity?' YP_First_Time_Participation = 'Can you give an estimate number of how many young people participated in art and the arts for the first time as a result of this project?' YP_Previous_Barriers = 'Can you give an estimate of the number of young people involved in your project had previously faced barriers to accessing art and the arts?' YP_Increased_Cultural_Awareness = 'From observation how many young people reported an increased awareness of the range of arts and cultural offer within the city?' YP_Positive_Experience 'From observation how many young people reported a positive experience of participating in art and the arts in your project?' YP_Self_Expression = 'From observation how many people reported increased self-expression through engagement with the arts?' YP_Continued_Engagement = 'Can you make an estimate or assessment of how young people supported through your project have or intend to continue engagement with the artist?' Improved_Social_Networks = 'From observation how many people reported improved social networks as a result of this project?' Increased_Belonging_Community = 'From observation how many people reported an increased sense of belonging to the community as a result of this project?' Community_Volunteers_Supporters 'From observation how many people volunteered and/or supported their community as a result of this project?' Improved_Mental_Health = 'From observation how many people reported improved mental health and wellbeing as a result of this project?' Improved_Physical_Health = 'From observation how many people reported improved physical health and wellbeing as a result of this project?' mwmcmn_ace.csv --> Artist_ID = Artist (anonymised) Sponsored_Artists_Days = 'How many days did you as the artist(s) work on this commissioned activity?' Other_Artists_Employed_Days = 'How many days did you employ other artists, creators or specialists in number of days?' Performance_Or_Exhibition_Days = 'NUMBER OF PERFORMANCE OR EXHIBITION DAYS' Sessions_For_Education_Training_Or_Participation = 'NUMBER OF SESSIONS FOR EDUCATION TRAINING OR PARTICIPATION' Artists_Employed = 'artists and creatives or specialists' Participants = 'participants' Live_Audience = 'Audience Live' Online_Audience = 'Audience broadcast online in writing'